Is She Mine

Hi everyone.. I think who ever is reading this blog knows me.. So don't mind leaving a comment.. XD.. "Is she mine" wanna know who am i referring to.. Is a secret.. haha.. Take your sweet time reading it

After 6 weeks of holiday..

and finally school is reopen..
Everyone change...
The school principal also change..
Students in the morning class are not same as the afternoon ones..
Classmates in 3B are still the same... only 4 new comers
Haiz... most importantly me and WKM change..

First day of school...
Ken, Jun hoe, Jeremy and I were talking about SA
at the back.. Jun Hoe again went mabuk.. zzz

Second day of school...
Having sex education from our PJK teacher... man its so...
The teacher keep bring up about boys part.. WTF

Third day of school...
I came late to school... cause of traffic jam
In the tuition... Mr Chin thought us about chapter 4...
U know what it is right...

Fourth day of school...
We had our sport house meeting..
And our Moral teacher was like freaking scary..
especially her eyes..

Fifty day of school...
after school... my friends and I played football...
Suddenly, somebody came.. lol... is mr X
not xxxx... is mr x
whatever la.. then we walked to mamak and had our lunch
then back to school... my grandpa come.. blablabla and thats all

I think now.. my friendship with WKM is going to break up
Cause I break down whenever ....... nothing la
and everyone try not to bear out who is WKM... kk
its not who u think...


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About Me

Hi.. i'm Dylan.. think most of u know me so I no need to introduce myself... For those who don't know me, just wanna let u know that my birthday falls on the fifth month which is on May (so do get me something) XD.. I'm a friendly guy so do come talk or chat with me... I like spending my time in front of computer, TV, friends and also girlz (lol)... and most of all enjoy life.. XP.. DO live a comment before leaving.. Thanks XP
