Is She Mine

Hi everyone.. I think who ever is reading this blog knows me.. So don't mind leaving a comment.. XD.. "Is she mine" wanna know who am i referring to.. Is a secret.. haha.. Take your sweet time reading it

Emm... It seems that i never update my blog... Sorry guys

Because this few week busy buying new year shirts..
My dad takes us to few shopping mall to buy new year stuff..

Last two week ago, We went to Mid Valley..
emm... i bought 4 shirts and s short...
but Ivan bought the most... Cause he always pick stuff with discounts
Then we went to Garden, Mid Valley to continue our shopping..

Last week, we wanted to go to KLCC... but dad says
"I just came back from there... i think nothing suits u all la
Why don't we go to 1U"
Ivan agreed...
SO in 1U.. iJust bought 3 jeans, 2 Short and 1 shoe...
Emm blablabla...

And yesterday... Dad and I went to Mid Valley cause since he bought for us lots of shirts
So i also bring him to my friend's father shop...
My friend's father own a Adidas shop in Garden..
So he gave us 30% off in any purchase...
So my father also cant resist...
He use this shot to buy like mad dog... haha.. XD

And i bought a jersey and Jabulani ball... total up about rm 500+++
haha... love it la...
So in conclusion.... Myself total new year shirts cost about rm 1000... haha...


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About Me

Hi.. i'm Dylan.. think most of u know me so I no need to introduce myself... For those who don't know me, just wanna let u know that my birthday falls on the fifth month which is on May (so do get me something) XD.. I'm a friendly guy so do come talk or chat with me... I like spending my time in front of computer, TV, friends and also girlz (lol)... and most of all enjoy life.. XP.. DO live a comment before leaving.. Thanks XP
