Is She Mine

Hi everyone.. I think who ever is reading this blog knows me.. So don't mind leaving a comment.. XD.. "Is she mine" wanna know who am i referring to.. Is a secret.. haha.. Take your sweet time reading it

Before i continue, i would like to apologize to everyone
for not updating my blog.
Not in a good mood past few months..
But now ok already... easy come easy go..
emm... if i'm not mistaken is about 2 months i never update.
busy with exam and after exam when for holiday.

ok lets start out with may 14... Dylan's birthday
yup.. my bday... thanks for everyone that wished me..
and special thanks for those who gave me present..

thanks mom and dad for my birthday present...
my mom belanja me Japanese food...
actually she don't even come out a cent..
and also she wanna practice us to eat Japanese food
in a way.. shooting 2 birds with one stone

look at the price...
all Rm0.00 shocking...

emm... on the 22th of may which is on the Saturday...
my mom got a lot of free tickets for the All About Men live in Genting
heard before.... for who never heard before this is one of the poster..
i guess i don't have to name all these 4 superstar..

From left to right

Emm... too bad mom who got the tickets for us
is unable to watched with us... cause she going to her
company trip to Japan...
so all our family members go except her... ouch.. pity..
here is some of the pictures we took there..

Look at the price...
all also Rm0..
and this is not the first time my mom got this..

dad... try out his new dsrl camera

Ivan and I..

We went to have a cup of tea...
look at my bro...

Yuki and her mom

My beloved grandma..
XD... u should try her cooking

My kai ma and aunt

I really really miss this ride
hope to bring my girlfriend

5 minutes before entering the hall
i like my arrow... on my shirt..

After dinner... he went to arena of star for the concert...
the concert was nice... rating 6/10..
actually i come here just to see them live....
their singing is not that really nice... only some song is nice to hear...
and i bet 95% of the people in the hall come here for their handsome looks


unfortunately we have the side view...

Then we had supper before going back...

On 26 may 2010... just right after my mid year exam...
I went to Japan for holiday.. and school holiday just start today..
everyone ask me "why is your holiday so early... and buy me souvenir back"
Crystal the most "...." speechless la... always ask me for her mochi...

follow on with my Japan trip the next post...

Sorry guys for not updating my blog for some time...
Because the I just finished my Intervensi 2...
This intervensi result is better than the previous one...
5A... 1B... 1C... haiz.... could not believe my BM could get a C...

Last Tuesday, when we have our PJ... there is a small accident happen...
Gajen... the fatty kingdom broke my middle toe, left leg...
Then Encik Tamizi and Mr. Hermen bought me to clinic Chin...
the doctor give a bullshit saying my toe can be a recovered
in a week and maximal in 6 weeks time...

The next day, my mom bought me to Sunway Hospital
to see an Orthopaedic specialist (don't know correct spelling a not)
the doctor says need to put bandage for 3 weeks and it will be fully recovered in 3 months time
i was like WTF....

This is my left leg after 3 minutes of bandage...
look so cute right..
haha.. XD..

This is how i go to SCHOOL...
with this slipper... XD...

Everyone looking at me with a weird face...
Wei Yan says...
"ahhh dylan.. one.. two... three.. four... where's one more of your toe"
zzzz... haiz...
from my white clean bandage turns into

Full of signature....
i like the smile at my toe there...
that one i draw myself...

Yik Ting signature.. haha...

I took out the bandage myself yesterday....
It looks like recovered adi... but i still cant bend my toe...
still paining a bit...
Haiz... you think i can able to recovered fully before 28April..
wakil sekolah football under 15...
I wish can recovered by then...
hope everyone who read this pray for me...

Everyone wants to know about me and someone right

yup... after so long... now only i finally can let it go
so for anyone that want to know.... here this post... any question...
feel free to ask...
but this post is in Bm... dont know why wanna write this in Bahasa...
plz don't mind.... so far there is only 3 people who know this story before u all
And as for Ken... this is not an emo post...
it is just my feeling

Tahun lepas, merupakan tahun yang ku tidak dapat lupakan
Ku telah bertemu dengan seorang perempuan..
Perempuan telah menarik perhatian ku dengan senyuman yang tebal
bukan itu sahaja, perempuan ini telah menghadapi masalah cinta...
Ku telah menemai perempuan itu selama 8 Bulan..

Cerita ku dengan kamu itu bermula...
pada suatu hari, Aku ingin membeli bebola ikan yang dijual
oleh seorang pak cik... tiba-tiba kamu
meminta ku membeli sebatang untuk mu..
tanpa memikir.. aku terus cakap OK...

Sejak itu ku dengan kamu menjadi kawan
setiap hari, aku dan kamu akan berborak-borak di luar sekolah selepas kelas
dari kawan... kita menjadi kawan baik... Aku rasa gembira kerana dapat
bertemu dengan seseorang macam kamu...
Ku rasa selain daripada kawan-kawan karib saya
kamu ialah salah satu orang yang aku suka untuk bergaul

cerita ini berkembang selepas
persahabatan kami menjadi best best friend
Setelah menjadi best best friend, kami telah menemai antara satu sama lain
semasa waktu rehat... Pada suatu hari, tiba-tiba
kamu telah memberitahu aku tentang buah hati kamu...
Ku juga rasa terkejut la...
haiz... kamu memberitahu masalah-masalah yang dia kepada aku
sebagai kawan aku cuba menolong kamu...

aku ingat... bahawa ku sahaja yang dapat menolong kamu...
in menjadi beban kepada ku semasa kamu menanya ku satu soalan
"dia nak bersama dengan saya... kamu ingat patutkah aku menerima dia" tanya perempuan itu
Aku jawab "tidak kira apa-apa yang kamu buat...
pilihan yang kamu buat aku akan sokong kau.."
dia asyik tanya aku...

haiz... kawan-kawan ku ingat kami bf dan gf kata kamu suka aku
aku tidak percaya... walao bagaimanapun aku....
Akhirnya, kamu telah juga memilih dia...
aku sepatutnya rasa gembira... tetapi tidak... aku rasa bagai sesuatu yang aku tidak puas hati

ini yang apa berlaku setelah mereka berdua bersama
-ku telah cemburu kepada kamu, kerana ku telah jatuh cinta kepada kamu
from the bottom of my heart... yes i admit I love you before
-hubungan ku dengan kamu menjadi lebih tengang... akhirnya tidak
boleh berkomunikasi lagi...
- setiap kali aku suruh kau menemai ku seperti dulu
kamu akan memberi pelbagai alasan... aku dah bosan
-kau telah abaikan ku
-aku amat sedih
-kamu memberitahu aku bahawa kamu telah sukai aku sejak bulan5
tetapi aku tidak dapat rasai... WTF

yang paling sedih ialah bahawa aku mendapati kau telah mempergunakan aku
sepanjang masa ini sebagai kamu punya "crying pillow"... mengapa
kamu dengan bf kamu masalah janganlah gunakan aku....
aku ingat kau ialah seseorang perempuan yang baik tetapi bukan
kamu lebih teruk daripada seseorang binasa....
aku tidak patut mengikut kata hati saya dengan melayan kamu dengan baik
bagai "ikut hati mati, ikut rasa binasa"
MENGAPA MENGAPA apa yang aku telah buat

jika.... semasa kamu tanya ku patutkah kamu menerima dia...
jika ku cakap tidak...kerana aku suka kamu.... kita akan bersama sekarang
tetapi kamu akan asyik ingati dia dalam hati kamu... nasib baik Tuhan tolong ku...

hiaz... aku telah habiskan Form 2 saya dengan perkara yang paling bodah...
salah satu perkara yang aku menyesal sehingga sekarang ialah
"belanja kau makan bebola ikan"
tanpa peristiwa itu... kami tidak akan menjadi kawan..

Ku menyesal....
tetapi ia sesuatu kenangan terindah...
iaitu kemanisan dalam kepahitan...
bermaksud... walaupun bertapa pahit tetapi ada juga masin dalam nya..

Harap kau

Emm... thanks everyone who able to made it to my house..

only Wei Yan never come... haha... never mind there is another time like next year
Emm so... my first visitor was Crystal.. she came about 12 o'clock
on time... on time... good.. XD
Matthew was the last who arrived... never mind la... don't care..

ok this is what THEY do in my house...

Crystal was the first
Then, come Kenneth
Next Jun Hoe with Jeremy and Jonathan
Shiwei, Zienyee, Ying and Xinyi waited at Mac D
so i went there to picked them out
Reach my house and there go Edmund and Kishen ask me go mac D to pick them
I was like zzz... wtf...
okok la... since i'm the one who invite don't mind going another time to mac d
haha... at least got ang pau from Ed's mum.. haha.. thanks

Then lunch... walao...
mom cooking was just ........
no comment...
Kenneth keep praising my mom cooking (don't know true or not)
Crystal was like... "aunty so spicy"
then my mom ask my maid cook maggie mee..
then she was like "dont want dont want"
lol.. I must admit... her cooking is good but too spicy..
haha.. emm 8/10 la.. XD

after eating... wooooo.... open table... hoho..
all the boys including me.. all cant wait for this moment
zzz... we played blackjack.. emm all put 50cent only... so small
haha... i won rm4.50 haha
then Jonathan challenge me a game of show hand... with Kishen in it.. lol
i was like BRING IT ON LA... i got so many money...
Jonathan was raising the amount like shit... i round rm 2
6 round times 3 people plus opening round rm3
rm 21... walao... who win sure belanja makan.. haha hehe
end up i got 2 pair... Jonathan got a pair of Jack... Kishen got nothing
haha... i take all the money
haha... who want me belanja... XDXD joking only

Then we continue playing for another half an hour
then Jeremy wanna play football... lol... so freaking hot..
since we play so long... ok la... go relax..
the girls go picked Matthew up... the boys go the small field... haha...
haiz... pity my little Jabulani ball la... go down to the kampung area 3 times
sure cause of Jeremy for sure... who don't know o

when go back my house... zzz... walao... my aunty and my cousins are there
lol... okok... everyone agree to open table...
kk... open open...
at first no one believe my aunty ong la...
play blackjack become banker...
the second round also got 1 love...
Jonathan sure lose a lot la... 1 round rm5
everyone play rm1 to rm3
then my grandmother join in... another ong fellow come in...
so happy la... cause in total.. today.. i won rm45
haha... happy a not...
my aunty come in with rm60 go out rm130... rm70 win...
ong a not... haha

today damn happy... small but nice...
Wei Yan... cant come... cant see babyface

Happy Chinese New Year to u all who i did not wish yet...

Emm... i think i had sent to everyone wishes already..
If anyone that i miss out... I'm sorry...
cause i send about 50 messages... no more credit adi... XP
Emm... this is how i spend my CNY..

Day 1 CNY...

Wake up early in the morning..
Wish mom and dad "Gong Xi Fa Cai"
eat a little breakfast.. before going grandma house..
Go to grandma house bout 11.30... to have our brunch..
At there... got ang pau from aunt and uncle... emm think got about 6 ang pau...
plus with grandma and grandpa... total 8 ang pau from our first visited house..
After having our brunch... we started our visiting by visited my grandma brothers
We visit my mother's mother after visited 2 house..

At there... we play "kao".. main judi la... lol...
haha... I won rm90 plus capital rm95
haha... so happy la... can belanja u all mac donald..
At night.. received ang pau from mom and dad..
So in total for the first day... i got 16 ang pau...

Day 2 CNY...

Started the day with few game of Sudden Attack..
After lunch.. we go to my mother's mother's brother house at Rawang... lol
At there... got few ang pau only
emm.. yesterday when i won it was just being lucky..
once in a blue moon only... haha... cause today (2nd day)
i lose teruk teruk la... lol
lose bout rm35... zzz... hutang aunt rm15
shh... haha... grandma keep scolding haha..
This was the best day la... it is about 20 people in a house la
so meriah.. haha

Day3 CNY...

Third day... was quite boring la... cause no more relatives to visit
so mom and dad planing to have a movie...
mom want to watched 72 tenants of Prosperity and dad wanna watch 14 Blades
grandma wanna watch 72 tenants of Prosperity also...
so dad came up with my good schedule...
go watch 14Blades in 1 utama at 3.30 after movie... we had
Sakae Sushi for dinner... then go to
Sunway Pyramid to watch 72 tenants of Prosperity at 7.45
zzz... so weird right.... from on end to another end... lol
after movie... we had supper at Uptown 5.. i bet my school friends don't where it is ..
haha... XD.. who know... give them a kiss haha...

Day 4 CNY...

out of these four days... today would be the most boring day la..
cause go to bank to put all ang pau money... then visited aunt and uncle house...
haiz... in conclusion... i'm satisfy with the ang pau money... haha

To all my best friends, good friends, friends, classmates, and enemies
A very happy holiday and Gong Xi Fa Cai...
love dylan...

Emm... It seems that i never update my blog... Sorry guys

Because this few week busy buying new year shirts..
My dad takes us to few shopping mall to buy new year stuff..

Last two week ago, We went to Mid Valley..
emm... i bought 4 shirts and s short...
but Ivan bought the most... Cause he always pick stuff with discounts
Then we went to Garden, Mid Valley to continue our shopping..

Last week, we wanted to go to KLCC... but dad says
"I just came back from there... i think nothing suits u all la
Why don't we go to 1U"
Ivan agreed...
SO in 1U.. iJust bought 3 jeans, 2 Short and 1 shoe...
Emm blablabla...

And yesterday... Dad and I went to Mid Valley cause since he bought for us lots of shirts
So i also bring him to my friend's father shop...
My friend's father own a Adidas shop in Garden..
So he gave us 30% off in any purchase...
So my father also cant resist...
He use this shot to buy like mad dog... haha.. XD

And i bought a jersey and Jabulani ball... total up about rm 500+++
haha... love it la...
So in conclusion.... Myself total new year shirts cost about rm 1000... haha...

This chapter will be the last part of Year 6 story
So i hope u enjoy reading the last part of the story
Back to the Story...

In part 4...
As you all know that xxxx and I were placed under a same room
Everyone was liked... WTF... I asked Puan Wong personally to changed our room
but she said... "sorry... i cant changed.."
I was liked "swt"

So when the trip...
The first day... Everyone gathered in the canteen around 7.30
Brian was liked showing off his PSP.. We started our journey at 8am...
Jeremy, Jun, Ken and I were sitting at the back sit of the bus..
In the middle of the journey... I fell asleep... and when i woke up
I got this picture...

Jeremy and I... FYI we're not gay...
Give your comments..

Haiz.. If i'm not wrong.. Our first stopped is at a waterfall when we going up the hill
emm... i think so la... at there.. We have a shot of a group pictures
We continue our journey and reach at the resort around 3pm...
I'm not that sure bout the place and timing...

Emm... i'll skip the first day... On the second day..
We visited the honey farm... later we visited the bugs and butterfly farm..
I used to have a picture with one of the bug.. But don't know where I mis-put it..

At night.. Puan Change, one of the teacher that followed us as well
She treated us a dinner meal... I think the cost will be above rm200
cause is bout 35 people went for the trip...
Ohh yeah... I remembered what i ate on the first day...
Jer, Jun, Ken, William and I ate steamboat..

This is where the funny this starts...
After we have our dinner that Puan Chang belanja us..
The rain started raining cats and dogs...
Everyone ran back to the resort.. cause it just few hundred meters only

When everyone got back...
I fell sick.. after having a shower..
I just went on the bed at sleep....zzz...
The next thing i know when after i woke up in the next morning...
That xxxx spread out that he looked after me the whole night
xxxx says to the girls "Yesterday.. i never sleep cause keep look after Dylan
so ma fan... blablabla... than say keep changing the towel for me (cause i was
high fever)... and keep saying how good is he la"
For me... he is not doing cause he care... cause just wanna let everyone
know how good is he..

Emm... but i still thank him...
then we continue our trip by going... emm don't know where la
At night... We went to the pasar malam at there..
We suddenly found a wallet...
inside it u can find few rm10 notes, an IC and his parents contact number
So we gave them and called and ask them to meet us at a place...
We gave them the wallet back..
I felt so happy... like being a hero

xxxx bought a packet of... don't know what it call..
is like a kind of flower that use for bathing
xxxx... bought it and ask us to use it... to get away the smelly smell

At the resort... he only realized that he only bought a packet of that thing...
So he suggested... that two people bath together.. zzzz...
So that time... xxxx and I friend friend a bit la...
When he asked me to bath with him... I also answer YES...zzzz
At the bath tab.. We talking bout something private... cant tell...
That time i started to like him... as a friend...

When after bathing... i was like covering myself naked when the phone rang
when i answer...
xxxx pull of my tower and snap my little brother... Fuck him...
And he showed it to the girls... ha was like insane... desperate for sex...
I got more angry that before...

When we reached back school... xxxx goes telling everyone that how good
is he taking care of me... (my shit la he good to me)

So until now... xxxx and I still enemy...
Until now... form 3 we did not talk to each other...
In form 1... he got scolding from the form 2 cause to pat...
until now xxxx and I still in the same class but we did not argue anymore...

But he keep irritate me by keep spreading who i like all those...
so now... until now... NO ONE KNOWS WHO IS SHE...

------------------THE END-------------------------
Love Dylan

After 6 weeks of holiday..

and finally school is reopen..
Everyone change...
The school principal also change..
Students in the morning class are not same as the afternoon ones..
Classmates in 3B are still the same... only 4 new comers
Haiz... most importantly me and WKM change..

First day of school...
Ken, Jun hoe, Jeremy and I were talking about SA
at the back.. Jun Hoe again went mabuk.. zzz

Second day of school...
Having sex education from our PJK teacher... man its so...
The teacher keep bring up about boys part.. WTF

Third day of school...
I came late to school... cause of traffic jam
In the tuition... Mr Chin thought us about chapter 4...
U know what it is right...

Fourth day of school...
We had our sport house meeting..
And our Moral teacher was like freaking scary..
especially her eyes..

Fifty day of school...
after school... my friends and I played football...
Suddenly, somebody came.. lol... is mr X
not xxxx... is mr x
whatever la.. then we walked to mamak and had our lunch
then back to school... my grandpa come.. blablabla and thats all

I think now.. my friendship with WKM is going to break up
Cause I break down whenever ....... nothing la
and everyone try not to bear out who is WKM... kk
its not who u think...

On the 31th December 2009, a number of friends of mine
with me when to Desa Park City for countdown..
After tuition, Jeremy and I took a ride from Karmen
back to ParkCity... Her mom was freaking scary.. Haha

At Parkcity, we met Xian there... The retard Jeremy wanna play basketball
I was like... WTF... He ran up to Win Zhen house just to borrow the ball
Ed and I ware like.. zzzz... End up.. Win Zhen join us for countdown
thanks to Jeremy... Win Zhen borrowed us his bike... We was cycling around
DPC... then ed and I bumbed up with Yik Ting.. She was alone..

Emm... blablabla.. we had our dinner at The Steamboat...
When the bill comes.. everone was like.. WTF.. rm 289... zzz
emm... after that... we choose a nice spot to camp there...
5 4 3 2 1 and boom... fireworks lasted for 2 minutes.. zzz

take a look of the pictures..

Shu Yee and Me

Jeremy and Me

Me... I know what u all gonna say la..

Jun Hoe and Me

Yik Ting and Kishen
Don't they look so matching


The fall out boys

Wakkaka group

Lol.. look at kishen... if u can find him la..

This what they call clubbing..
zzz.. kepong people.. haha

On the Saturday, which is on the 2 day of 2010..
Is Ivan's birthday... We did not celebrated his birthday
cause he hangout with Ryota group..
My parents, took all of us including my aunt plus my grandparents
to Ming Room, at BSC is u know where la..

After that, dad took Ivan and I to Sunway college..
FYI.. my bro is going to Sunway college to further his studies
wow... Sunway college is huge...
My bro like the swimming pool... cause is a size of Olympic...

emm... when reached home... As usual, gaming SA...
thats all la...

See u tomorrow at school
hope can wake up early la..
I'll continue part 5 if i have free time kk
reader dont be upset..


About Me

Hi.. i'm Dylan.. think most of u know me so I no need to introduce myself... For those who don't know me, just wanna let u know that my birthday falls on the fifth month which is on May (so do get me something) XD.. I'm a friendly guy so do come talk or chat with me... I like spending my time in front of computer, TV, friends and also girlz (lol)... and most of all enjoy life.. XP.. DO live a comment before leaving.. Thanks XP
