Is She Mine

Hi everyone.. I think who ever is reading this blog knows me.. So don't mind leaving a comment.. XD.. "Is she mine" wanna know who am i referring to.. Is a secret.. haha.. Take your sweet time reading it

I think most of you know what happen

During the year 6..
Year 6 is a year that i cant forget in my life
every argument we had, harsh words came out from our mouth
I'll never forget....

I should name this problem or case as World War
haha... no more better name.. LOL
The story begins when..

When We <> were year 5
there is a graduate trip for the year 6
To Singapore... But unfortunately the feedback
were not good... so the teacher open up to us
which is the year 5...

FYI.. i was in the second class...
my class was not chosen to go only the first class...
But my friend <> told me bout this trip
so means i'm the first person to know bout this trip in year 5

And they told me that only opened for the first class.. ahh X(
During recess i told my friends <> bout the trip
And SOMEONE heard it...
when we <> finished eating...
We went to the stuff room or so call bilik guru
We head towards the teacher who in-charge (Pn Wong)

She told told us all the information bout this trip
and she asked me "Dylan, are u interested to go to this Singapore trip"
then i said "Ohh me.. I thought i was opened for 1st class only"
Pn Wong said " Never mind la, since that you are a prefect"
Then i said "ohh.. thank you teacher..."
I took the form and walk out form the stuff room
And behind us <> was that SOMEONE <>

He ask teacher bout the trip
unfortunately, the teacher said to him
"Emm.. Sorry xxxx the last form i gave it to Dylan"
and he say "But he is not 1st class"
Pn Wong said "Nevermind la xxxx.. next year got also graduate trip"
Then, he stared at me..

I went home and asked my parents bout this trip
and they said "Yes.. you may go"
yeah me
The next day in school
xxxx went towards me and ask him to give him the form
then i said "first come, first serve"
But since he WAS a friend of mine, so i decided to give him the form
I asked him to return the form to me
If his parent don't let him go..
He never reply... and "ran" away

After a week..
I found out that his parents don't let him go
So i asked him to return it to me
He said "my parents say see first"
Lol.. okok i'll be patient and wait
One day.. someone told me that
xxxx cant go for the trip
but he say "if i cant go, i also wont let Dylan go"

So i told Pn Wong bout this incident and she asked xxxx
for the form and gave it to me..

So.. my Friends and I went to the Singapore trip and had a lot of fun
Since that day, xxxx and I no longer friends but enemy

In the year 2007, which i was in year 6
I able to made up to the first class
Lol... at the beginning i was so excited..

"But if i can choose again which class i wanted to go
I would choose the second class
Because at the first class...
I can see the xxxx everyday..."

back to the story..
So here i am.. in the first class...
and here is the xxxx... it will going to be hard year

----------------TO BE CONTINUE---------------
--------IN PART 2 (BEGINNING OF THE WAR)------

haha.. so curious... haha
readers be patient only the writers can be efficient

Love Dylan


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About Me

Hi.. i'm Dylan.. think most of u know me so I no need to introduce myself... For those who don't know me, just wanna let u know that my birthday falls on the fifth month which is on May (so do get me something) XD.. I'm a friendly guy so do come talk or chat with me... I like spending my time in front of computer, TV, friends and also girlz (lol)... and most of all enjoy life.. XP.. DO live a comment before leaving.. Thanks XP
